Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When you first set a goal, you’re usually very motivated and excited about achieving your objective. However, motivation alone is not enough.
The problem with motivation is that it fluctuates on a daily basis. One day you’re incredibly motivated and the next day you lose motivation completely. Here’s what a graph of motivation against time looks like for most people.
If you depend on motivation to reach your objective, it’s quite likely that you’ll give up on your goal during a period of low motivation.
The real secret of success is to adopt an attitude that removes motivation from the equation. A good way to do this is to make the decision to do what you need to do even when you don’t feel like doing it.
This is the attitude adopted by Olympic athletes. Contrary to popular belief, elite athletes do not bound out of bed every morning eager to do their training. Like everyone else, sometimes they are motivated and sometimes they are not. What sets them apart from most people is that they have made the decision to do what they need to do even when they don’t feel like doing it.
So today I’d like to encourage you to review your goals and make the decision to do what you need to do on a daily basis even when you don’t feel like doing it.
When your motivation is low, instead of saying:
"I just don’t feel like doing this today!"
Develop the habit of saying:
"I just don’t feel like doing this today BUT I will do it anyway! "
When you adopt this attitude and commit yourself to taking action even when you don’t feel like it, you eliminate motivation as a limiting factor in your success and greatly increase the chances of making your dreams a reality.
Until next time,


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