Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When you first set a goal, you’re usually very motivated and excited about achieving your objective. However, motivation alone is not enough.
The problem with motivation is that it fluctuates on a daily basis. One day you’re incredibly motivated and the next day you lose motivation completely. Here’s what a graph of motivation against time looks like for most people.
If you depend on motivation to reach your objective, it’s quite likely that you’ll give up on your goal during a period of low motivation.
The real secret of success is to adopt an attitude that removes motivation from the equation. A good way to do this is to make the decision to do what you need to do even when you don’t feel like doing it.
This is the attitude adopted by Olympic athletes. Contrary to popular belief, elite athletes do not bound out of bed every morning eager to do their training. Like everyone else, sometimes they are motivated and sometimes they are not. What sets them apart from most people is that they have made the decision to do what they need to do even when they don’t feel like doing it.
So today I’d like to encourage you to review your goals and make the decision to do what you need to do on a daily basis even when you don’t feel like doing it.
When your motivation is low, instead of saying:
"I just don’t feel like doing this today!"
Develop the habit of saying:
"I just don’t feel like doing this today BUT I will do it anyway! "
When you adopt this attitude and commit yourself to taking action even when you don’t feel like it, you eliminate motivation as a limiting factor in your success and greatly increase the chances of making your dreams a reality.
Until next time,


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


At the end of the day, what most people really want in life is to be happy.

Many people believe that happiness comes from obtaining certain objects. They say things like,

"I’ll be so happy when I get my new iPod!"

However, the happiness associated with obtaining these objects is usually fleeting. Have you ever received something you really wanted only to have it end up sitting on a shelf gathering dust a few weeks later? I know I have!

So, if lasting happiness can’t be found by obtaining ‘things’, how can we increase the levels of happiness in our lives?

I believe that the best way to obtain lasting happiness is to bring happiness into the lives of others. The most amazing thing about happiness is that the more you give away to others, the more you receive for yourself.

Here is a step-by-step plan that will help you bring happiness into the lives of others and thereby increase your own levels of happiness.

Step 1: Select someone in your life that you care about. It could be your partner, a child, a friend, a nephew or niece etc.

Step 2: Identify that person’s current passion in life. To do this, just ask them what they’re up to or interested in at the moment.

Step 3: Organise an experience that combines spending time with that person and persuing their passion.

Here’s a real life example to show you exactly how this works:

When my BROTHER RAMNADH  was 8 years old, his main passion in life was dinosaurs. One day I arranged to pick him up to go on an ‘adventure day’. Our first stop was a hardware store where we puchased a chisel to go with the two hammers I had picked up from home.

We then drove to a local beach called ‘KHAMBHAT Beach’ where we spent a few hours chipping away at rocks. What made this experience so special was that we were spending time together pursuing his main passion in life.

My nephew found two small fossils and was unbelievably excited. His happiness in turn made me incredibly happy. This trip is still one of our fondest memories even though it happened several years ago. The total cost of our expedition was Rs 50.

So, whenever you’re feeling a little low and need a dose of happiness, one of the best things you can do is to focus on making someone else happy. Remember…


When you are faced with an illness or injury, it is very easy to become depressed and lose sight of your goals and dreams. No matter what obstacles you’re facing today, the first step on your road to recovery is to believe.

Here is a true story about the power of belief in overcoming physical limitations:

On June 23, 1940, a little girl was born in Clarksville, Tennessee. Her parents christened her Wilma Rudolph.

Having been born prematurely and weighing only 4.5 pounds, little Wilma was susceptible to illness and her mother spent several years nursing her through measles, mumps and scarlet fever.

One day her family noticed that Wilma’s left foot was becoming weak. Her mother took her to the doctor who informed them that Wilma had polio and would never walk.

Mrs. Rudolph refused to accept the diagnosis. She had something special in her heart – she had the power of belief and she told her young daughter that one day she would walk.

Mrs. Rudolph’s belief led her to take action and twice a week for the next two years, she took her daughter for treatment to a hospital that was over 50 miles away.

The doctors at the hospital taught Mrs. Rudolph how to perform the physical therapy exercises Wilma needed and every night she would massage her daughter’s legs late into the evening.

Wilma progressed slowly but steadily. By the time she was seven she could walk with the aid of metal leg braces. At school, Wilma sat and watched the other children running and told herself that one day she too would enjoy the freedom of being able to run.

In 1952, 12 year old Wilma finally threw away her metal leg braces and was able to walk without assistance for the first time. It was then that she made the decision to be an athlete.

She started to play basketball and also did some running in the off season to keep fit. As time progressed, Wilma became a basketball star, setting state records and leading her team to a state championship.

During one basketball match, Wilma was spotted by the Tennessee State track and field coach Edward Temple who was amazed by Wilma’s athletic ability.

With coach Temple’s help, Wilma turned her focus from basketball to running and she never looked back.

By the time she was 16, Wilma had earned a spot on the US Olympic track and field team and won a bronze medal in the 4×100m relay at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics.

Four years later, Wilma Rudolph won three Olympic Gold medals at the 1960 Rome Olympics in the 100m, 200m and 4×100m relay. The little girl who was once crippled was now "The fastest woman in history."

"I ran and ran and ran every day, and I acquired this sense of determination, this sense

of spirit that I would never, never give up, no matter what else happened." – Wilma Rudolph

This Week’s Action Steps

(1) If you are dealing with an illness or injury, make the decision today to believe in your recovery.

(2) Transform your belief into action and work with your health care team to figure out the steps you need to take in order to recover.

(3) Never lose sight of your goals and always believe that anything is possible.



One of the best ways to reduce the amount of stress and frustration in your life is to develop the habit of always looking for the road less traveled.

The secret to finding the road less traveled is to observe what the majority of people do, and then elect to do the exact opposite. Here are a few examples that illustrate how this strategy works in the real world:

Example 1: If you notice that everyone has lunch at 1.00pm and the cafeteria is crowded and noisy, make the decision to have lunch at 12.00 and avoid the lunch time rush.

Example 2: If you go to the gym after work and find yourself getting frustrated waiting for the machines you need, change your routine and go to the gym in the evening.

Example 3: If you find yourself continually stuck in queues at the grocery store, try shopping at 10pm on a Monday night when you can usually pick up what you need quickly and easily.

Whenever you find yourself wasting time, getting stressed or becoming frustrated, stop and look for the road less traveled.

I was reminded of this strategy recently and put it to very good use…

As you may know,me and my brother planned to visit a beautiful spot called Cradle mountain which you can see in the picture above.

A few days before we visited Cradle mountain, we chatted to another couple who were also traveling through Tasmania. They informed us that they had just visited Cradle mountain and that it had been extremely crowded which had really ruined their experience.

Based on this feedback, MY BROTHER and I decided to take the road less traveled. We anticipated that most people would get to the mountain at about 10am, so we decided to get there at 7.30am.

We went on the most incredible walk and had the entire national park to ourselves! We saw the mist rising from the lake and encountered several animals along the way.

It was truly a magical experience and something we will never forget.

As we were leaving the national park, we saw several bus loads of tourists disembarking in the car park. We were very glad that we had elected to arrive early and had the opportunity to experience the beautiful wilderness by ourselves.

“I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

- Robert Frost

In many situations, if you anticipate what ‘most people’ will do and then elect to do the exact opposite, you can often find a much quieter, less stressful and more enjoyable pathway through life.

This pathway is the road less traveled – I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Stress is something that we all have to deal with each and every day. There’s work related stress, relationship stress and financial stress just to name a few. If we don’t develop effective strategies for dealing with stress, it can lead to many problems including physical illness.

One of the most effective strategies for reducing your stress levels is to learn to live your life in day-tight compartments.

Let me explain…

When ship builders design passenger ships, they divide the ship into sections and between each section they place a water-tight door to create several separate compartments.

If one of the compartments is flooded, the ship’s captain can close the water-tight doors and the ship will continue to stay afloat.

Imagine for a moment that your life is a series of compartments each made up of a single day. On either side of each day is a day-tight door.

Just as the water-tight doors in a ship block out water and prevent the boat from sinking, your day-tight doors block out the past and future and prevent your outlook on life from sinking.

In your day-tight compartment, you do not have to analyze the past or worry about the future.

All you have to deal with is today.

When i was studying 40+ hour weeks in the college world, I found this day-tight compartment strategy to be a useful form of stress management.

Each morning I would imagine that I was closing my day-tight doors. This helped me to stop analyzing the past and prevented me from worrying about the future. I could then simply focus on what I had to do in the next 24 hours.

Often when I talk to people about living their life in day-tight compartments someone will ask “Don’t you need to visualize your future everyday in order to make it a reality? How can I do that if I’m living in a day-tight compartment?”

This is a very good question. The answer is that you first visualize your future goal in its entirety and then determine what small step you can achieve today. Next, you bring this single step inside your day-tight compartment and shut your day-tight doors.

In this way you are not intimidated by the size of your overall goal and can just focus on what you need to do today while still moving steadily towards your achieving your long term goals.

So the next time you are under stress, try taking a deep breath and make the decision to live your life in day-tight compartments. Each morning, imagine closing your day-tight doors on the past and the future.

During the day, if you catch yourself analyzing the past or worrying about the future, remember that these thoughts do not belong in your day-tight compartment and try and let them go.

By learning to live your life in day-tight compartments, you can greatly reduce your stress levels and lead a happier and healthier life.



Do you sometimes find it hard to believe that you can really make your dream a reality? If so, then there is something very important that you need to know.

We live in a world of dreams.

Every man-made item around you at this very moment began as a thought, an idea or a dream in the mind of a single individual.

The computer on your desk, your mobile phone, your car and countless other items that you use each day are all the result of someone’s ‘dream come true’.

What this means is that throughout history, hundreds and thousands and millions of people have had an idea, worked hard, overcome problems and ultimately transformed their dream into reality.

And if hundreds and thousands and millions of people have been able to do this in the past, then it stands to reason, that you can do it too.

Often we make the mistake of thinking that dreams only come true for a small number of talented individuals who have skills or abilities that we don’t possess.

But this is simply not true.

The fact that millions of people have brought their dreams to fruition in the past demonstrates that the ability to set and achieve goals is something that is available to each and everyone of us.

Right now, millions of people around the world are taking the steps necessary to achieve the goals that are important to them. Some are studying, some are building businesses, some are writing books. What is it that you want to achieve?

In order to achieve your goals in life, the only things you really need are:

(1) A crystal clear picture of what you want

(2) An unshakeable determination to do whatever it takes to make your dream a reality

As soon as you take these two steps, anything becomes possible. If you need a new skill – you learn it. If you come up against an obstacle – you find a way around it. If you experience failure – you learn from your mistake and adopt a different approach.

And gradually, step-by-step, you bring your dream into reality to join the dreams of the countless individuals who have gone before you.

So today I’d like to encourage you to take a look at the evidence around you and appreciate the fact that you live in a world where ‘dreams do come true’.

Understand that millions of people have made their dream a reality in the past – Millions more will make their dream a reality in the future and you CAN be one of them.

Until next time,


One of the most important principals for achieving success is to understand that your mind is like a garden bed where you cultivate and grow the seeds of thought.

When you plant a positive seed of thought in your mind and nurture it carefully, it germinates and grows until it leads you to take action.

As soon as you begin acting on your idea, your seed of positive thought becomes a seedling of positive action.

If you continue to feed and encourage this seedling, it gradually develops into a tree of positive habit.

Once this habit has become solid and immovable, it is then only a matter of time before it blossoms to produce the fruits of success.

However it is important to be aware that the garden of your mind does not discriminate between positive and negative seeds of thought.

A negative seed of thought planted within your mind often leads you to take negative actions. These actions gradually develop into negative habits that will inevitably produce the fruits of failure.

When you understand that your thoughts lead to actions and your actions develop into habits and that it is your habits that determine your results in life, then you’ll appreciate why it’s so important to be careful about the seeds of thought that you plant within your mind.

One of the real secrets of success is to become a watchful caretaker over the garden of your mind and make sure that you only plant and cultivate thoughts that will develop into the positive habits necessary for making your dreams a reality.

So what does this mean in the real world?

It means that you should carefully monitor the thoughts that you are planting within your mind each day. Whenever you catch yourself planting or nurturing a negative thought, make the conscious decision to uproot and discard it.

For example, when JAYISH went to see his doctor, he was told that he had high cholesterol and needed to lose 10kg. In response to this advice, JAYISH joined his local gym and started exercising three days a week.

A few weeks later JAYISH stood in front of his bed room mirror and assessed his reflection.

His first thought was, “I look exactly the same! All that hard work and I don’t look any different. This isn’t working at all.”

Then he stopped and realized that this was a negative seed of thought.

He knew that if he continued to nurture this negative perspective it wouldn’t be long before he started skipping sessions and pretty soon his exercise program would be a thing of the past.

Having recognized his negative seed of thought, JAYISH made the conscious decision to uproot and discard it before it took hold in his mind.

He took a second look at his reflection and told himself, “Every training session is making me fitter.” This was a positive seed of thought that made him feel good about the action he was taking.

Over time, JAYISH continued his training program while protecting his mind from the disempowering seeds of negativity. Eventually he reached his goal weight and brought his cholesterol level down to a healthy level.

So today I’d like to encourage you to become a watchful caretaker of your mind. Whenever you identify a seed of negative thought, uproot and discard it.

Remember, it is much easier to uproot a seed of negative thought than it is to chop down a tree of negative habit that has taken root over many years.

By planting and cultivating seeds of positive thought, you will set in motion a truly remarkable process.

In the same way that a tiny acorn develops into a mighty oak tree, your positive seeds of thought will germinate into the actions and habits that will ultimately lead you to success.

Until next time,


Thursday, September 2, 2010


Our life as a stream ,goes on flowing with the speed of time.Life is full of adventures,challenges,joy and sadness.Right from the time we are born,to the time we go to school,to college ,to our job,and when we begin a family.We are full of many new Experiences  ,which can be sweet,agonising,unforgetttable. If we are able to fight all the agonising part, then we can enjoy THE SWEETER MEMORIES  more .

Whenever,there is a problem in life,we are bound to face.Every problem has a remedy ,and the more we work to solve these ,the more will we be successful and the more will we be able to enjoy our life.

When a person really tries and solves a problem by his hard work then he will be the happiest person in this world when he receieves the outcome .

So friends this blog is all about various ways to overcome the hurdles in ur life,be it about being succesful in ur studies,convincing ur love,being successful in ur Job .Here is the one stop shop for all  these.Here u can share with me ur problems in ur life and here i will give u the magic steps to cure it all.

So lets try and make or long and useful life more simple,enjoyable,energetic and fullfilling.